15-11-2016 SALI
Weightlifting Every 1:45 For 12:15 Min(7R) Squat Clean + Front Squat(Sc%70) (SC+FS) 1+4 x 2 2+3 x 2 3+2 4+1 5+0 Conditioning 5 Rounds for time 20 Burpees 20 Toes to Bar Cap time:17 Min
Weightlifting Every 1:45 For 12:15 Min(7R) Squat Clean + Front Squat(Sc%70) (SC+FS) 1+4 x 2 2+3 x 2 3+2 4+1 5+0 Conditioning 5 Rounds for time 20 Burpees 20 Toes to Bar Cap time:17 Min