23-7-2024 SALI

Multi-Strength Every 4 Min For 20 Min(5R) 10 Landmine Split Squat(R) 10 Landmine Split Squat(L) 20 Step Walking Lunge(R1-L2) 15 Sec:Single Leg Wall-Sit Hold 15 Sec:Single Leg Wall-Sit Hold -Then- 18 Mim Emom(6R) 1.Min:10 Tall Kneeling Goblet Landmine Press + 10 Push-Ups 2.Min: 10 Supinated Grip Strict Chin-Up +10 Bent Over Dumbell Rear Lateral Raises…


17-7-2024 ÇARŞAMBA

Oly Every 1:45 Min For 15:45 Min(9R) 5-4-3-2-1–2-3-4-5(%65-70-75-80-85) Squat Clean -Then- Multi-Strength Every 3 Min For 15 Min (5R) 8 Half Kneeling Dumbelll Press(R) 8 Half Kneeling Dumbelll Press(L) 8 Single Arm  Dumbell Box Step-Up With Knee Drive(R) 8 Single Arm  Dumbell Box Step-Up With Knee Drive(L) -Then- Isometric Strength 4 Roıund 20 Sec:Superman  Hold 20…
