26-2-2017 PAZAR
Conditioning 5×500 M Row Rest:2 Min 5×250 M Row Rest:1 Min
Conditioning 5×500 M Row Rest:2 Min 5×250 M Row Rest:1 Min
Conditioning “Cındy” 20 Min Amrap 5 Pull-Up 10 Push-Up 15 Squat
Strength Every 1:30 Min For 10:30 Min(7R) Front Squat 1.Round:5 reps(%75) 2.3.Round:3 reps(%85) 4.5.Round:2 reps(%90) 6.7. Round:1 reps(%95) Conditioning 100 Burpees Row Lateral Jump Max Km Row Cap time:20 Min
Weightlifting 5 Min Emom 3 Power Snatches (70% of Snatch) Rest: 2 Min 5 Min Emom 3 Overhead Squat (70% of Snatch) Rest: 2 Min 5 Min Emom 3 Squat Snatches (70% of Snatch Gymnastics 10 Min Emom 15-12 Toes-to-bar
Conditioning 8 Round Every 45 seconds:10 Dead Lift(%65) 30 Sn:Rest Every 45 seconds:7-5 Hand Stand Push -Up Or 3-2 Wall Clımb 30 Sn:Rest Core 4 Round 1 Min: Plank 30 Sn:Rest
Conditioning 7 Round For time 7 Clean&Jerks(60kg-35kg) 14 Pull-Up 21 Push-Up Cap time:35 Min
Conditioning 1600 M Row 150 Double Unders Or 300 Single 50 Burpees 800 M Row 100 Double Unders Or 200 Single 35 Burpees 400 M Row 50 Double Unders Or 100 Single 20 Burpees Cap time:35 Min
5 Round each For time 400 M Row 20 Dumbel Thrusters(12,5kg-5kg) Rest:2 Min
Strength 10 Min Emom 4 Back Squat(%75) Conditioning Workout 11.2 15 Min Amrap 9 Deadlifts(70kg-40kg) 12 Push-Ups 15 Box Jumps(24″-20″)
Strength Every 1:30 Min For 10:30 Min(7R) Bench Press 10-8-6-4-6-8-10(%65-%70-%75-%80) Strength Every 1:30 Min For 10:30 Min(7R) 10 Sumo Dead Lift High Pull Core 5 Round 1 Min Plank Rest:30 Sn