12-02-2019 SALI
Strength&Conditioning 6 Rounds for time: 5 Squat Snatch(60kg-40kg) 5 Thruster(60kg-40kg) 5 Ring Muscle-Up Or 10 C2Bar+10 Hand-Release Push-Up Cap Time:30 Min
Strength&Conditioning 6 Rounds for time: 5 Squat Snatch(60kg-40kg) 5 Thruster(60kg-40kg) 5 Ring Muscle-Up Or 10 C2Bar+10 Hand-Release Push-Up Cap Time:30 Min
Strength&Conditioning Every 2:30 Min For 20 Min(8R) 10 Bench Press(%60) + 10 Kb Front Rack Squat(20kg-16kg) -Then- Core Strength 5 Round 20 Sn:Hollow Hold Rock 20 Sn:Hollow Hold Position 20 Sn: Superman Hold Position 1 Min:Rest
For Time: 24-20-16-12-8-4 Cal. Assault Bike Or Row Dumbbell Power Snatches(22,5kg-12,5)(Sağ1/Sol2) Cal.Assault Bike Or Row Dumbbell Goblet Front Squats
Strength&Conditioning For Time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Power Cleans(50kg-30kg) Toes to bar
Conditioning Two Person Team For time: 5 K Row Every 5 Min Penalty 20 Burpee Lateral Jumps Cap time:35 Min
Strength&Conditioning Every 4 Min For 24 Min(6R) 15 Ring Dips Or Paralel Bar Dips 15 Box Jumps(24”-20”) 15 Wall Ball(9kg-6kg)
Strength&Conditioning 7 Round for time 5 Clean&Jerks(60kg-35kg) 10 Back Squat(60kg-35kg) No Rack 15 Pull-Up Cap Time:30 Min
Strength Every 2 Min for 12 Min(6R) 5 Dead Lift(%75) -Then- Conditioning For Time: 100 Bar Facing Burpees Every Min Penalty 25 Double Unders Or 50 Singel Cap time:20 Min
Strength&Conditioning 16 Min Emom Odd:6/5 Bench Press(%65) Even:12/10 Cal.Assault Bike -Then- 4 Round 45 Sn:Wall Sit Front Raise with Kettlebell 45 Sn:Push-Up 45 Sn:Rest
Strength&Conditioning 12 Min Emom Odd: 8 Seat Dumbbell Shoulder Press Even: 8 Parelel Bar Dips -Then- 12 Min Emom Odd: 8 Step Dumbbell Back Lunge Even:8 Dumbbell Box Step-Up(20”)(Sağ1/Sol2)