7-7-2019 PAZAR
Strength&Contidioning 27-21-15-9-3 Power Snatch(40kg-25kg) 200 M Run 27-21-15-9–3 Pull-Up 200 M Run “After each round 200 M Run “
Strength&Contidioning 27-21-15-9-3 Power Snatch(40kg-25kg) 200 M Run 27-21-15-9–3 Pull-Up 200 M Run “After each round 200 M Run “
Conditioning 40 Min Emom 1.Min:15-12 Cal.Assault Bıke 2.Min:15-12 Cal Row 3.Min:60 Double-Unders Or 75 Singel Jump rope 4.Min:Rest
Strength&Conditioning 5 Round for time: 14 Double Kb Front Rack Box Step-Up(24kg-16kg)(Rıght each leg/Left each leg)(20”) 21 Wall-Ball(9kg-6kg) 400 M Run Cap time:35 Min
Strength 10 Min Emom 3 Back Squat(%70-%65) -Then- Strength&Conditioning 5 Round For time 30 HandRelease Push-Ups 20 Toes-to-bar 10 Dead Lift(Bwx1,2,Bw,Bw3/4,Bw3/5) Cap time:25 Min
“Old School Strength” Every 2:30 Min For 15 Min(6R) 10 One Arm Dumbell Row(Rıght each arm/Left each arm) 10 Weight Parallel Bar Dips -Then- Every 2:30 Min For 15 Min(6R) 10 Bench Dumbell Chest Press 10 Barbel Curl -Then- Core Strength 5 Round 20 Sn:Hollow Hold 40 Sn:Rest 20 Sn:V-Up 40 Sn:Rest
Strength&Conditioning For time: 5 Round 50 Double-Unders Or 75 Singel Jump rope 10 Thruster(40kg-25kg) “Directly into” 5 Round 25 Air Squat 25 Push-Ups Cap time:37 Min
Strength&Condition 5 Round for time: 20 Pull-Up 20 Kb Goblet Squat(24kg-16kg) 200 M Singel Arm Kb Farmer’s Cary Rıght each arm/Left each arm(24kg-16kg) Cap time:35 Min
Strength&Conditioning 5 Round For Time: 500 M Row 20 Burpee 400 M Run 15 Dead Lift(80kg-40kg)
Strength&Conditioning 5 Round For time 400 M Run 20 Kb Swing(24kg-16kg) 20 Box Jumps(24”20”) 20 Kb Goblet Squat(24kg-16kg)
Oly 10 Min Emom 3 Hang Power Clean+3 Push Press(Work up to heavy) -Then- Strength Barbell Behind the Neck Reverse Lunges Every 2 Min For 10 Min(5R) 14 Barbell Behind the Neck Reverse Lunges(R1/L2)Back Squat(%45) -Then- Core Strength Alternating Tabata (Work:20s/Rest:10s) 8 Round Sit-Ups Hollow Rocks