27-12-2016 SALI
Weightlifting&Conditioning Every 1:15 Min for 12:30 Min(10R) 5 Cleans and Jerks(%60) Strength Every 1:15 Min for 12:30 Min(10R) 3 Back Squat(%75)
Weightlifting&Conditioning Every 1:15 Min for 12:30 Min(10R) 5 Cleans and Jerks(%60) Strength Every 1:15 Min for 12:30 Min(10R) 3 Back Squat(%75)
Strength&Conditioning 7 Round Cindy(5 Pull-up+10 Push-Up+15 Squat) 25 Front Sguat(70kg-35kg)No rack 7 Round Cindy Cap time:30 Min
Conditioning 3 Round For time 800 M Row 30 Sit-Ups 30 Overhead Squat(35kg-20kg)
Strength&Conditioning 27-21-15-9 Deadlift(100kg-70kg) Chest to Bar Pull-Ups *50 Double Unders after each completed round. (27-27-50-21-21-50 etc)
Conditioning 2 Person Team 100 Burpees 150 Kettlebell Swings(24kg-16kg) 200 Air Squat 2K Row 200 Squats 150 Kettlebell Swings 100 Burpees Cap time:40 Min
Weightlifting Every 1:30 Min For 10:30 Min(7R) 1 Squat Clean+ 3 Front Squat (%80) Strength Every 1:30 Min For 10:30 Min(7R) 6 Bench Press(%75)
Conditioning 20 Min Amrap 15 Toes to Bar 15 Box Jump Overs(24″/20″) 15 Push-Up
Weightlifting Every 1:30 Min For 10:30 Min(7R) 1 Squat Snatch + 3 OVHS(%80) Conditioning 20 Min Amrap 7 Bar Muscle Ups Or 7 C2B 50 Wall Ball(9kg-6kg) 100 Double Unders Or Single
Strength&Conditioning 20 Min Emom 1.Min:5 Dead Lift(%75) 2.Min:15-12 Dips Core 5 Round 1 Min:Plank Rest:1 Min
Strength&Conditioning 5 Round For time 15 Front Squat(50kg-30kg) 25 Hand-Reals Push-Up 35 Sit-Up