16-11-2016 ÇARŞAMBA
Barbell/Conditioning 10 Round For time 7 Sumo Deadlift High Pull(42,5kg-30kg) 7 Front Squat(42,5kg-30kg) 7 Push jerks(42,5kg-30kg) Cap time:30 Min
Barbell/Conditioning 10 Round For time 7 Sumo Deadlift High Pull(42,5kg-30kg) 7 Front Squat(42,5kg-30kg) 7 Push jerks(42,5kg-30kg) Cap time:30 Min
Weightlifting Every 1:45 For 12:15 Min(7R) Squat Clean + Front Squat(Sc%70) (SC+FS) 1+4 x 2 2+3 x 2 3+2 4+1 5+0 Conditioning 5 Rounds for time 20 Burpees 20 Toes to Bar Cap time:17 Min
Conditioning 5 Round total reps 4 Min Amrap Cindy(5 Pull-Up+10 Push-Up+15 Squat) Rest:1 Min
Conditioning 4 Round for max reps of: 45 seconds of Rowing (for calories) 15 seconds of Rest 45 seconds of Hand-Release Push-Ups 15 seconds of Rest 45 seconds of Kettlebell Swings(24kg-16kg) 15 seconds of Rest 45 seconds of Wall Ball (9kg-6kg) 15 seconds of Rest
Strength Every 2 Min For 10 Min(5R) 10 Back Squats(%60) Conditioning 10 Min Amrap 10 Pull-Up 30 Double-Unders Or Single
Strength@Conditioning 30 Min 1.Min:8 Bench Press(%65) 2.Min:18/15 Cal Row 3.Min:Rest
Strength@Conditioning The Chief 5 Round Max Round 3 Min Amrap 3 Power Clean(60kg-35kg) 6 Push-Up 9 Squat Rest:1 Min
15-12-9 reps for time of: Thrusters(42,5kg-25kg) Pull-ups Rest: 5 Min 12-9-6 reps for time of: Thrusters(42,5kg-25kg) Pull-ups Rest: 5 Min 9-6-3 reps for time of: Thrusters(42,5kg-25kg) Pull-ups Cap time:30 Min
Strength & Conditioning 6 Min Amrap 21-15-9 Power Snatch(35kg-20kg) Burpees Rest:3 Min 6 Min Amrap 15-12-9 Power Snatch(42,5kg-30kg) Burpees Rest:3 Min 6 Min Amrap 12-9-6 Power Snatch(52,5kg-35kg) Burpees
Conditioning For time: 1000 M Row 50 Wall-Ball(9kg-6kg) 50 Box Jumps(24″-20″) 750 M Row 35 Wall-Ball 35 Box Jumps 500 M Row 25 Wall-Ball 25 Box Jump Cap time:30 Min