19-5-2016 PERŞEMBE
Weightlifting/Conditioning 20 Min Emom Odd: 6 Power Snatch(52,5 kg) Even:6 Clean&Jerks ( 52,5 kg)
Weightlifting/Conditioning 20 Min Emom Odd: 6 Power Snatch(52,5 kg) Even:6 Clean&Jerks ( 52,5 kg)
Conditioining Two Person Team Wod 25 Min Amrap 500 M Row 30 Hand Reals Push Up 15 Power Clean(60kg-30kg)
Weightlifting Every 1:15 For 12:30 Min (10R) Squat Snatch + Overhead Squat 85% of 90% (1RM SC)) (Ssn)+OHS) 1+2 x 4 Round 2+1 x 3 Round 3+0 x 3 Round -then- Conditioning 104 Wall Ball(9kg-6kg) 52 C2Bar Pull-Up
Weightlifting Every 1:15 For 12:30 Min (10R) Squat Clean + Front Squat 85% of 90% (1RM SC)) (SC+FS) 1+2 x 4 Round 2+1 x 3 Round 3+0 x 3 Round -then- Conditioning 15 Min Amrap 7 Shoulder to Overhead(50kg-25kg) 14 Air Squat 49 Double Unders or Mountaın Clımber
CONDİTİONİNG For time: Wall Ball (9kg-6kg) 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. C2Bar Pull-up 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 *Do 5 Burpees each time you switch exercises*
For time CONDİTİONİNG 300 Double-Unders or Single jump rope 100 Push-up 200 Double-Unders 75 Push -up 100 Double-Unders 50 Push-up
WEİGHTLİFTİNG 10 Min Emom 1 Power Snatch+1 Squat Snatch(%75) -then- STRENGTH 10 Min Emom 1.5. Min:1 Back Squat(%80) 6.10.Min:3 Back Squat(%70)
CONDİTİONİNG Every 3 Mın For 30 Min (10R) 15-12 Cal Row 10 Box jumps (24/20) 8 T2B
CONDİTİONİNG Two Person Team 200 Cal.Assault Bike 175 KB Swing(24kg-16kg) 150 Burpees Cap time:35 Min
WEİGHTLİFTİNG 10 Min Emom 3 Clean and Jerks(%75) -then- STRENGTH 10 Min Emom 1.5. Min:3 Front Squat(%70) 6.10.Min:5 Front Squat(%60) -then- CORE 4 Round 1:15 Plank 45 Sn:Rest