7-08-2018 SALI
Strength 10 Min Emom 3 Push Press(Work Up to heavy) -Then- Strength&Conditioning For Time: 18-15-12-9-6-3 Front Squats(60kg-40kg) Bar Facing Burpees Cap time:17 Min
Strength 10 Min Emom 3 Push Press(Work Up to heavy) -Then- Strength&Conditioning For Time: 18-15-12-9-6-3 Front Squats(60kg-40kg) Bar Facing Burpees Cap time:17 Min
Weightlifting Squat Snatch 12 Min Emom (3R) 1.Min –3 %70 2.Min –2 %75 3.Min –1 %80 4.Min –Rest -Then- Conditioning 5 Round For time 400 M Run 20 Box Jumps(24”20”) Cap time:18 Min
Conditioning For time: 1000 M Row 50 Wall Ball(9kg-6kg) 50 Sit Up 750 M Row 40 Wall Ball 40 Sit Up 500 M Row 30 Wall Ball 30 Sit Up 250 M Row 20 Wall Ball 20 Sit Up
Strength&Conditioning For time: 28-24-20-16-12-8 Cal.Assault Bike 16-14-12-10-8-6 One Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks(Rıght 16 each arm/Left 16 each arm) 16-14-12-10-8-6 One Arm Dumbbell Overhead Split Lunge(Rıght 16 each Leg Left/16 each Leg)
Strength 12 Min Emom (3R) 1.Min: 6 Dead Lift (65%) 2.Min: 4 Dead Lift(70%) 3.Min: 2 Dead Lift(75%) 4.Min: Rest -Then- Strength 12 Min Emom (3R) 1.Min: 6 Bench Press(65%) 2.Min: 4 Bench Press(70%) 3.Min: 2 Bench Press(75%) 4.Min: Rest
Strength 12 Min Emom (3R) 1.Min: 6 Back Squats(65%) 2.Min: 4 Back Squats(70%) 3.Min: 2 Back Squats(75%) 4.Min: Rest -Then- Strength&Conditioning 12 Min Emom Odd :5 Hang Power Clean(60kg-40kg) Even:7 Bar Muscle-Up Or 7 C2Bar Pull-Up+7 Push-Ups
Conditioning Two Person Team 37 Min Amrap 400 M Run 2 Round 20 Cal.Assault Bike 30 Wall-Ball(9kg-6kg)
Strength&Conditioning 12 Min Amrap 5 Power Clean(60kg-40kg) 10 Barbell lateral Burpee Rest: 4 Min 12 Min Amrap 50 Double-Unders or Single Jump Rope 5 Push Press(60kg-40kg)
Weightlifting 10 Min Emom 1 Power Snatch+1 Hang Squat Snatch+1 Squat Snatch(Ss%70) -Then- Gymnastıc&Conditioning 10 Round for time 5 C2B Pull-ups 10 HR Push-ups 15 Air Squats Cap time:20 Min
Strength&Conditioning 10 Min Emom 3 Power Cleans(%70) -Then- 10 Min Emom 3 Front Squat(%70) -Then- Core Strength 5 Round 1 Min:Plank Rest:30 Sn