25-02-2021 PERŞEMBE

Gymnastic Strength&Conditioning 10 Min Emom 5-4 Strict Pull-Up+10-8 Sec Paralel Dip L-Sit Hold Or Modified Knee-Up Sit Hold” -Then- Oly&Gymnastic 15 Min Emom 1.Min:5 Toes To Bar +3 Power Snatch 2.Min:5 Toes To Bar +2 Hang Squat Snatch 3.Min:5 Toes To Bar +1 Squat Snatch -Then- Functional Bodybuilding 10 Min Emom Odd:8 Tall Kneeling Barbell…

23-02-2021 SALI

Gymnastic Skılls&Conditioning Every 2 Min For 10 Min(5R) 50 Double-Unders Or 50 Single Jump Rope 10 M HandStand Walks Or 3 Wall-Clımb -Then- Gymnastic&Conditioning For Time: 30 Ring Muscle-Ups Or 30 Bar Muscle-Up -30 C2Bar Pull-Up Starting on the 0:00, and every 3:00 thereafter: 250 M Row Or 0,8 Mil Assault Bike 6 Lateral Burpees…

19-02-2021 CUMA

Gymnastic&Isometric Strength 5 Round 20 Sec:Pull-Up Bar Chin-Up L-Sit Hold 40 Sec:Rest 20 Sec:V-Up Hold 40 Sec:Rest -Then- Oly. 10 Min Emom 1 Squat Clean(%75) -Then- For Time: Barbell Conditioning 30 Power Clean(50kg-35kg) 30 Push-Press (50Kg-35Kg) 30 Hang Squat Clean(50Kg-35kg) “On the Minute – 4 Burpee Barbell Lateral Jump Cap Time:20 Min

18-02-2021 PERŞEMBE

Isometric Strength 5 Round 25 Sec:HandStand Push-Up Hold Or Wall Facing HandStand Hold 15 Sec:Rest 25 Sec:Single Leg Wall-Sit Hold(R) 15 Sec:Rest 25 Sec:Single Leg Wall-Sit Hold(L) 15 Sec:Rest 25 Sec:Copanhagen Plank(R) 15 Sec:Rest 25 Sec:Copanhagen Plank(L) 15 Sec:Rest -Then- Functional Strength&Conditioning 5 Round 30 Sec:Dumbbell Bench Press 30 Sec:Rest 30 Sec Dumbbell Front Rack…

15-02-2021 PAZARTESİ

PAZARTESİ Isomertric Strength 2 Min:Standing Barbell Overhead Hold (35Kg-25Kg) -Then- 2 Min:Bottom of Overhead Squat Hold (20Kg-16Kg) -Then- Oly 10 Min Emom 1 Squat Snatch(%75) -Then- Barbell Conditioning&Gymnastic For Time: 30 Power Snatch(45Kg-30Kg) 30 Overhead Squat(45Kg-30Kg) 30 Hang Squat Snatch(45kg-30kg) “On the Minute – 5 TTB” Cap Time:20 Min

12-02-2021 CUMA

Gymnastic Skill Conditioning Every 5 Min For 15 Min(3R) 100 Double Unders Or 100 Single Jump Rope 10 M HandStand Walks Or 3 Wall-Clımb 25 Chest To Bar Pull Ups 10 M HandStand Walks Or 3 Wall-Clımb -Then- Strength Every 2 Min For 20 Min(10R) Back Squat 9-7-5-3-1-1-3-5-7-9(%65-%70-%75-%80-%85)