27-6-2024 PERŞEMBE

Accessory Workout 4 Round 30 Sec:Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold(R) 30 Sec:Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold(L) 30 Sec:Rest 30 Sec:Resistance Band Side Step(R) 30 Sec:Resistance Band Side Step(L) 1 Min:Rest -Then- Multi-Strength Every 2:45 Min For 12:30 Min(5R) 10 Deadlift (Rpe4-6) 10  Hollow Hold Dumbell Press(R) 10  Hollow Hold Dumbell Press(L) -Then- Every 2:15 Min…

25-6-2024 SALI

Strength&Conditioning Every 2:30 Min For 15  Min(6R) 5 Squat Clean(Rpe4-6) 50 Double-Unders Or 75 Slngle Jump Rope -Then- Multi-Strength Every 2:45 Min For 13:45 Mim(5R) 10  Split Squat With Landmine Press(R) 10  Split Squat With Landmine Press(L) 20 Sec:Elbow Star Plank(R) 20 Sec:Elbow Star Plank(L)