8-11-2021 PAZARTESİ

PAZARTESİ Every 1:30 Min For 13:30 Min(9R) 1.R:5 Squat Clean(%60) 2.R:4 Squat Clean(%65) 3.R:3 Squat Clean(%70) 4.R:2 Squat Clean(%75) 5.R:1 Squat Clean(%80) 6.R:2 Squat Clean(%75) 7.R:3 Squat Clean(%70) 8.R.4 Squat Clean(%65) 9.R.5 Squat Clean(%60) -Then- MetCon 16 Min Emom(8R) 1.R:9 Thrusters(35Kg-25Kg)+ 21 Double Unders or Single Jump Rope 2.Min:Rest 2.R:9 Thrusters(35Kg-25Kg)+ 21 Double Unders or…

5-11-2021 CUMA

CUMA Oly&Gymnastıc 18 Min Emom(6R) 1.Min:3 Squat Snatch(%75) 2.Min:15-12 Toes-To-Bar 3.Min:Rest -Then- İsometric Strength 4 Round 30 Sec:Wall-HandStand Hold 30 Sec:Rest -Then- 4 Round 30 Sec:Single Leg Wall-Sit Hold(R) 30 Sec:Single Leg Wall-Sit Hold(L) 30 Sec:Rest -Then- 4 Round 1 Min:Plank 30 Sec:Rest

4-11-2021 PERŞEMBE

“Dumbbell Day” Multi-Strength Every 2 Min For 10 Min(5R) 20 Step Dumbbell Walking Lunge(R1-L2) -Then- Every 3:30 Min For 17:30 Min(5R) 7 Singel Leg Glute Bridge Dumbbell Floor  Press(R) 7 Singel Leg Glute Bridge Dumbbell Floor  Press(L) 7 Split Squat Hold Position Dumbell Supinated Curl(R) 7 Split Squat Hold Position Dumbell Supinated Curl(L) 7 Weighted…

30-10-2021 CUMARTESİ

Gain Set Multi-Strength Every 5:30 Min 33:10 Min(6R) 10 Strict Weighted Pull-ups (As Heavy as Possible) 10 Bent Over Double KB Row 10 Double  KB Front Rack Squat 10 Double Farmers Carry Reverse Lunge(R1-L2) 10 Strict Weighted Paralell Bar Dips (As Heavy as Possible) 10 KB Deficit Push-Ups :30 Sec Plate Weighted Hollow Hold

28-10-2021 PERŞEMBE

MetCon For Time: 100 Cal Row OR 80 Cal. Assault Bike 50 Dumbbell Power Snatch( 22.5 /12,5Kg)(DB Power Snatch:Switch Arms Every 5 Reps) 50 Dumbbell-Facing Burpees 50 Dumbbell Goblet Squat(22,5/12,5Kg) 30 Dumbbell-Facing Burpees 30 Dumbbell Power Snatch(22,5/12,5Kg)DB Power Snatch:Switch Arms Every 5 Reps) 50 Cal Row OR 40 Cal Assault Bike

27-10-2021 ÇARŞAMBA

Strength&Conditioning For Time: 1 Round of “Macho Man” 50 Double Unders  Or 50 Singel Jump Rope 2 Rounds of “Macho Man” 50 Double Unders 3 Rounds of “Macho Man” 50 Double Unders 4 Rounds of “Macho Man” 50 Double Unders 5 Rounds of “Macho Man” 50 Double Unders Cap Time 30 Min Barbell: 60/ 45…