10-5-2016 SALI
WEİGHTLİFTİNG 10 Min Emom 3 Clean and Jerks(%75) -then- STRENGTH 10 Min Emom 1.5. Min:3 Front Squat(%70) 6.10.Min:5 Front Squat(%60) -then- CORE 4 Round 1:15 Plank 45 Sn:Rest
WEİGHTLİFTİNG 10 Min Emom 3 Clean and Jerks(%75) -then- STRENGTH 10 Min Emom 1.5. Min:3 Front Squat(%70) 6.10.Min:5 Front Squat(%60) -then- CORE 4 Round 1:15 Plank 45 Sn:Rest
WEİGHTLİFTİNG 10 Min Emom 1 Squat Snatch(80%) -then- CONDİTİONİNG 14 Min Emom Odd: 5 Muscle-Up or 5 C2b/5 Hand Reals Push-up Even:15 Wall Ball(9kg-6kg)
Conditioning 3 Round total round 5 Min Amrap 8 Power Clean(60kg-35kg) 10 Toes to Bar 12 Box Jump-Overs Rest:2 Min
Conditioning 4 Round Each For time 1000 M Assault Bike 1000 M Row 1000 M Run Rest:4 Min
Weightlifting Every 2 Min For 12 Min(6R) 6 Squat Clean(%70) -then- Strength Every 1:30 Min For 10:30 Min(7R) 6 Bench Press(%65)
Weightlifting Every 2 Min For 12 Min(6 Round) 6 Squat Snatch(%70) -then- Conditioning 15 Min Amrap 250 M Row 10 Row Facing Burpees
Conditioning 5 Round total Rep 1 Min:Push Press(35kg-15kg) Rest:30 Sn 1 Min:Max Cal Assault Bike Rest:30 Sn 1 Min:Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg) Rest:30 Sn 1 Min:Max Double-Unders or Single jump rope Rest:30 Sn
Conditioning 25 Toes-to-bar 50 Wall Ball(9kg-6kg) 75 Push-Ups 1000 M Row 75 Push -Ups 50 Wall Ball 25 Toes-to -bar Cap time:35 Min
Conditioning 5 Round For time 10 Dead Lift(70kg-35kg) 10 Front Squat(70kg-35kg) 15 C2Bar Pull-Up Cap time:25 Min
CONDİTİONİNG 3 Round For Time: 35 Burpees Rest: 1 Minute 400 M Run Rest: 1 Minute 35 Box Over Jumps(24″-20″) Rest:1 Minute 500 M Row Rest:1 Minute