3-2-2022 PERŞEMBE
PERŞEMBE Strength&Conditioning For Time: 2-4-6-8-10 HandStand Push-Ups Or Peak Push-Ups 10-8-6-4-2 Deadlifts(100Kg/70 Kg) Rest:3 Min 2-4-6-8-10 Bar Muscle-Ups Or C2Bar Pull-Ups 10-8-6-4-2 Thrusters(40Kg-25Kg) Cap Time: 34 Min
PERŞEMBE Strength&Conditioning For Time: 2-4-6-8-10 HandStand Push-Ups Or Peak Push-Ups 10-8-6-4-2 Deadlifts(100Kg/70 Kg) Rest:3 Min 2-4-6-8-10 Bar Muscle-Ups Or C2Bar Pull-Ups 10-8-6-4-2 Thrusters(40Kg-25Kg) Cap Time: 34 Min
İsometric Strength 4 Round 30 Sec:Single Leg Wall-Sit Hold(R) 30 Sec:Single Leg Wall-Sit Hold(L) 30 Sec:Single Leg Plank(R) 30 Sec:Single Leg Plank(L) 30 Sec:Rest -Then- MetCon 5 Min Amrap 20 Double Dumbbell Box Step-Overs 20 Toes To Bar Max Reps Burpees Box Jump Rsst:2 Min 5 Min Amrap 15 Double Dumbbell Box Step-Overs 15 Toes…
Strength 12 Min Emom(6R) Odd:5 Back Squat(%65)+10 Step Dumbell Reverse Lunge(R1-L2) Even:Rest -Then- 12 Min Emom(6R) Odd:5 Bench Press(%65)+10 Bent-Over Dumbbell Row Even:Rest -Then- Core Strength 10 Min Emom Odd:Max Effort Hollow Hold Even:Rest
MetCon Two Person Team 70 Front Squat(40Kg-30Kg) 70 Kb Swing(24Kg-16Kg) 25 Senkron Bar Facing Burpee 50 Front Squat(40Kg-30Kg) 50 Kb Swing(24Kg-16Kg) 20 Senkron Bar Facing Burpee 30 Front Squat(40Kg-30Kg) 30 Kb Swing(24Kg-16Kg) 15 Senkron Bar Facing Burpee Cap Time: 30 Min
Oly 10 Min Emom 5 Power Clean (% 70) -Then- Strength Every 1:30 Min for 12 Min (8R) Front Squat 7-5-3-1-1-3-5-7(%70-%75-%80-%85-%90) -Then- Gymastic Conditioning 10 Min Emom Half Cindy 5 Pull-Ups 10 Push-Ups 15 Air Squat
MetCon Two Person Team 30 Min Time Cap Buy-In: 5,000 M Row Directly Into… AMRAP With Time Remaining: Burpee Lateral Jump Row
Multi-Strength 32 Min Emom(8R) 1.Min: 5 L-Sit Pull-Ups + 5 HandStand Push-Ups 2.Min:10 Glute Bridge Alternatif Dumbbell Press(R1-L2) + 10 Bent Over Dumbbell Alternating Row(R1-L2) 3.Min: 30 Ring Mountain Climber (R1-L2) 4.Min:Rest -Gymnastic Scaling- 5 Strict Pull-Up+5 Dumbbell Z Press 30 Cross-Body Mountain Clımber(R1-L2)
MetCon 3 Round 100 Double Unders Or Single Jump Rope 25 Kb Goblet Squat(24Kg-16Kg) -İnmediately After- 3 Round 100 Double Unders Or Single Jump Rope 25 Kb Swings(24Kg-16Kg) -İnmediately After- 3 Round 100 Double Unders Or Single Jump Rope 25 Wall-Ball(9Kg-6Kg) Cap Time:34 Min
Strength Every 1:30 Min for 12 Min (8R) Back Squat 7-5-3-1-1-3-5-7(%70-%75-%80-%85-%90-%80-%75-%70) -Then- MetCon For time: 50-35-20 Alt Dumbbell Power Snatch (22,5Kg/12,5Kg) *15 Burpee Dumbbell Lateral Jump After Each Round* Cap Time:20 Min
Multi-Strength Every 4 Min For 20 Min(5R) 10 Singel Arm Glute Bridge Dumbbell Floor Press(R) 10 Singel Arm Glute Bridge Dumbbell Floor Press(L) 10 Singel Arm Ring Row(R) 10 Singel Arm Ring Row(L) 10 Dumbbell Goblet Split Squat(R) 10 Dumbbell Goblet Split Squat(L) -Then- Core Strength 5 Round 1 Min:Plank 1 Min:Rest