27-03-2020 CUMA
Home Workout 7 Round 30 Sn:Wall Sit-Hold 30 Sn:Max Effort Air Squat 30 Sn:Push-Ups Hold 30 Sn:Front Plank to Pushup Planks 1 Min:Rest
Home Workout 7 Round 30 Sn:Wall Sit-Hold 30 Sn:Max Effort Air Squat 30 Sn:Push-Ups Hold 30 Sn:Front Plank to Pushup Planks 1 Min:Rest
MetCon 50-35-20 Air Squat Jumps Hand-Release Push-Ups Burpee
5 Round 15 Squat Therapy 15 Plank to Downward Dog 30 Sn Lunge With Spinal Twist(Rıght each leg) 30 Sn Lunge With Spinal Twist(Left each leg)
Home Workout For Time: 50-40-30-20-10 HandRelease Push-Ups Glute Briges Sit-Ups
PAZARTESİ 10 Round for time: 15 Air Squat 15 Step Back Lunge(R1/L2)
Home Workout 10 Round for time: 10 Burpee 15 Push-Ups
Core Strength 4 Giant Sets: 15 Front Plank to Pushup Planks – Video 30 Sn:Left Elbow Plank 30 Sn:Right Elbow Plank 15 Hollow Rocks 30 Sn:Left Elbow Plank 30 Sn:Right Elbow Plank 15 V-Ups Rest 1:30 between sets. -Then- 4 Round 30 Sn:Rıght Leg Wall-Sit Hold 30 Sn:Left Leg Wall-Sit Hold 30 Sn:Rest
HOME WORKOUT For time: 200 Air Squat 150 Hand-Release Push-Ups 100 Sit-Ups
HOME WORKOUT For Time: 30-25-20-15-10-5 Burpee Hollow Rock Bird Dog
HOME WORKOUT Every 5:30 Min For 27:30 Min(5R) 1.Min:Wall Squat Hold 20 Steps Alternate Front Lunges(R1-L2) 1 Min:Push-Ups Hold 30 Shoulder Taps(R1-L2)