26-03-2019 SALI
Strength&Condıtıonıng 32 Min Emom(8R) 1.Min:10 Bench Press(%60) 2.Min:10 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean And Press (Push Press/Push Jerk) 3.Min: 12/10 Cal Assault Bike 4.Min:Rest
Strength&Condıtıonıng 32 Min Emom(8R) 1.Min:10 Bench Press(%60) 2.Min:10 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean And Press (Push Press/Push Jerk) 3.Min: 12/10 Cal Assault Bike 4.Min:Rest
Core Strength 5 Rounds 10 Hollow Rocks 10 V-Ups 10 Tuck Ups 10 Sn Hollow Hold 1 Min:Rest -Then- MetCon Open Workout 19.5 33-27-21-15-9 reps for time of: Thrusters(42,5kg-30kg) Chest-to-bar pull-ups Cap Time:20 Min
Strength&Condıtıonıng 24 Min Emom 1.Min:250 M Row 2.min:10 Dead Lift(85kg-50kg)15 Push-Ups 3.Min:Rest
Strength&Condıtıonıng 7 Round For time 7 Hang Power Clean(50kg-35kg) 14 Steps Front Lunge(50kg-35kg)Rıght 1/Left2 21 Push-Ups
Two PersonTeam Strength&Condıtıonıng 40 Min Amrap 50 Burpee 50 Dead Lift(60kg-40kg) 50 Dumbbell Thrusters(12,5kg-5kg)
Stamina Squatting 12 Min Emom Odd:6 Back Squats Even:3 Front Squats (Squatlar Front Squat %60 ile yapılacak) -Then- 6 Round For time 20 Wall Ball(9kg-6kg) 10 Double Dumbbell Snatch(20kg-12,5kg) Cap time:20 Min
Gymnastıc Every 1:30 Min For 7:30 Min(5R) 10 Handstand Push Or 3-4 Wall Clımb -Then- Oly. Hang Squat Clean(%70) 7.Min:Rest Squat Clean (%75-%80) -Then- Statıc Contraction 4 Round 30 Sn:Hollow Hold Posıtıon 30 Sn:Rest 30 Sn:Plate Squat Hold(15kg-5kg) 30 Sn:
Oly. Hang Squat Snatch(%70) 7.Min:Rest Squat Snatch(%75-%80) -Then- MetCon 0pen 19.4 For time: 3 rounds of: 10 Snatch(42,5kg-30kg) 12 Bar-Facing Burpees Rest:3 Min Then, 3 rounds of: 10 Bar Muscle-Ups Or C2Bar Pull-Up 12 Bar-Facing Burpees Cap time:12 Min Extra Cap time:20 Min
Strength&Condıtıonıng 40 Min Emom(8R) 1.Min:12/10 Cal.Assault Bike 2.Min:15 Kb Goblet Squat(28kg-16kg) 3.Min:12 Kb Swings(28kg-16kg) 4.Min:Plank 5.Min:Rest
Gymnastic Condıtıonıng 10 Min Emom 5 Strict Pull-Up 10 Push-Up -Then- Strength&Condıtıonıng 24 Min Emom 1.Min:12 Dumbbell Squat 2.Min:10 Bent Over Dumbbell Row+8 Paralel Bar Dip 3.Min: Rest