20-11-2020 CUMA
MetCon 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time Kb Front Rack Squats(24kg-12kg) Row Lateral Burpees *250 M Row after each round Or 0,6 mil assault bike/pvc lateral burpees Cap Time:30 Min
MetCon 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time Kb Front Rack Squats(24kg-12kg) Row Lateral Burpees *250 M Row after each round Or 0,6 mil assault bike/pvc lateral burpees Cap Time:30 Min
Oly. Every 1:30 Min For 15 Min(10R) 3 Squat Snatch(%60) -Then- Strength Every 3:30 Min For 17:30 Min(5R) 12 Double Dumbbell Bent Over Row 12 90/90 Double Dumbell Floor Press 12 Barbell Curl
Strength Every 1:30 Min For 9 Min(6R) 3 Front Squat(%80) -Then- Strength&Conditioning 5 Round For Time 9 Bar-Muscle-Up Or C2Bar Pull-Up 7 Deadlifts(60kg-40kg) 5 Hang Power Cleans(60kg-40kg) 3 Push Jerks(60kg-40kg) Cap Time:20Min
Strength&Conditioning Every 4 Min For 32 Min(8R) 14 Cal.Assault Bike Or Row 12 Double Dumbbell Reverse Lunge(R1-L2)(22,5kg-12,5kg) 10 Double Dumbbell Push Press(22,5kg-12,5kg)
Strength&Conditioning 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Squat Clean(60kg-40kg “After every round” 2 Round 10 Box Jumps (24”20”) 10 Push Ups 10 Toes to Bar Cap Time:38 Min
Conditioning 40 Min Emom(10R) 1.Min:15-12 Kb Swing(24kg-16kg) 2.Min:75-50 Double-Unders Or Single 3.Min:15-12 Burpee 4.Min:Rest
Strength 14 Min Emom(7R) Odd:5 Bench Press(%70)+5 Tempo Push-Up(5 Sec Down+1 Sec Up) Even:Rest -Then- Every 3 Min For 18 Min(6R) 10 Bulgarian Singel Dumbbell Split Squat(R) 10 Bulgarian Single Dumbbell Split Squat(L) 5 Single Leg Bench Squat(R) 5 Single Leg Bench Squat(L)
Oly. 10 Min Emom 3 Clean and Jerks(%70) -Then- Strength Every 2 Min For 10 Min(5R) Back Squat 10-8-6-4-2(%65-%70-%75–%80-%85) -Then- Core Strength 5 Round 20 Sec:Bicycle Crunches 20 Sec:Bent Hollow Flutter Kicks 20 Sec:Bent Hollow Hold 1 Min:Rest
Isometrıc Workout &Core Control 5 Round 30 Sec:Slow Ring Mountain Climbers 30 Sec:Rest -Then- 5 Round 20 Sec:Rıght Each Leg Dumbbell Split Squat Hold 20 Sec:Left Each Leg Dumbbell Split Squat Hold 40 Sec:Rest -Then- MetCon 5 Round For Time: 21 Wallballs (9 / 6 kg) 18 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches (22.5/12,5 Kg) 15 Burpee…
Gymnastic Conditioning 6 Round For Time: 15 Cal.Row Or Assault Bike 20 Pull-Ups 25 Push-Ups 30 Air Squat 35 Step Front Lunge(R1-L2) Cap time:40 Min