25-12-2020 CUMA

Strength& Conditioning  8 Round  1 Min:5 DeadLift(%70)+30 Sec:Ring Row Hold 45 Sec:Rest -Then- 8 Round  1.Min:5 Bench Press(%70)+30 Sec:Ring Plank Hold 45 Sec:Rest -Then- For time  Core Strength  50  Sıt-Up 50 High Plank Knees to Elbow  50 Corkscrew Plank(R1-L2) 30 Sıt-Up 30 High Plank Knees to Elbow  30 Corkscrew Plank(R1-L2) 15  Sıt-Up 15 High Plank…


21-12-2020 SALI

Strength  Every 2:30 Min For 12:30 Min(5R) 8 Double Dumbbell Hammer Curl With Shoulder Press 8 Weight Strict Reverse Grip Chin-Up -Then- MetCon  Every 10 Min For 20 Min(2R) 21 Cal. Assault Bike Or Row 14 Step Front rack Double Dumbbell Lunge(22,5kg-12,5kg) 15 Cal. Assault Bike Or Row 14 Step Front rack Double Dumbbell Lunge…


18-12-2020 CUMA

Dumbbell Conditioning 30 Double Dumbell Power Clean(22,5kg-12,5kg) 30 Double Dumbbell Front Rack Squat 30 Push Press 30 Double Dumbbell Step-Up Box Over(R1-L2) 20 Double Dumbell Power Clean 20 Double Dumbbell Front Rack Squat 20 Push Press Double Dumbbell Step-Up Box Over(R1-L2) 10 Double Dumbell Power Clean 10 Double Dumbbell Front Rack Squat 10 Double Dumbbell…


16-12-2020 ÇARŞAMBA

Core Strength&Stability  4 Round 30 Sec:Star Plank(R) 30 Sec:Star Plank(R) 30 Sec:Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold(R) 30 Sec:Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold(L) 30 Sec:Rest  -Then- Strength  Stamina Squats 14 Min Emom(7R) Odd:2 Front Squat(BS%65) Even:4 Back Squat(%65) -Then- Strength  14 Min Emom(7R) Odd:10 Hollow Dumbbell Floor Press Even:5 Weight Reverse Grip Strict Chin-Up 
