29-4-2016 CUMA
STRENGHT 20 Min Emom Odd: 5 Bench Press(%65) Even:12-10 Cal Row -then- CORE 5 Round Plank:1:15 Min Rest: 45 Sn
DetailsSTRENGHT 20 Min Emom Odd: 5 Bench Press(%65) Even:12-10 Cal Row -then- CORE 5 Round Plank:1:15 Min Rest: 45 Sn
DetailsSTRENGHT 1.5. Min:3 Back Squat(%75) 6.10.Min:5 Back Squat(%65) -then- CONDİTİONİNG 100-80-60-40-20 Double Unders or Single Jump Rope 50-40-30-20-10 Thrusters(20kg-10kg)
DetailsCONDİTİONİNG 5 Round Total Rep 1 Min:Max Cal. Assaut Bıke Rest:30 Sn 1 Min:Hand Release Push Ups Rest:30 Sn 1 Min:Max Cal.Row Rest:30 Sn 1 Min:Kb Swing(24kg-16kg) Rest:30 Sn
DetailsCONDİTİONİNG 5 Round 7 Power Snatch(60kg-35kg) 7 Overhead Squats(60kg-35kg) 14 Bar lateral Burpees Rest: 2 Minutes After Each Round
DetailsSTRENGHT 1.5 Min:3 Shoulder Press(%65-%75) 6.10 Min:5 Push Press -then- CONDİTİONİNG 10 Min Amrap 10 Pull Ups 10 Wall Ball(9kg-6kg)
DetailsCONDİTİONİNG 5 Rounds for time: 15 KB Swings(24kg-16kg) 30 Box Jumps(24″20″)
DetailsCONDİTİONİNG “Josh” For time: 21 Overhead Squats(42,5kg-25kg) 42 Pull-ups 15 Overhead Squats 30 Pull-ups 9 Overhead Squats 18 Pull-ups Cap time:35 Min
DetailsWEİGHTLİFTİNG Every 1:30 Min For 15 Min (10R) 1 Squat Clean(Work Up to a heavy) -then- STRENGTH Every 1:30 Min For 10:30 Min(7R) 5 Bench Press(%75)
DetailsCONDİTİONİNG For Time: 24-21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Burpees Over the Row 48-42-36-30-24-18-12-6 Cal.Row Cap time:40 Min