27-03-2020 CUMA
Home Workout 7 Round 30 Sn:Wall Sit-Hold 30 Sn:Max Effort Air Squat 30 Sn:Push-Ups Hold 30 Sn:Front Plank to Pushup Planks 1 Min:Rest
DetailsHome Workout 7 Round 30 Sn:Wall Sit-Hold 30 Sn:Max Effort Air Squat 30 Sn:Push-Ups Hold 30 Sn:Front Plank to Pushup Planks 1 Min:Rest
Details5 Round 15 Squat Therapy 15 Plank to Downward Dog 30 Sn Lunge With Spinal Twist(Rıght each leg) 30 Sn Lunge With Spinal Twist(Left each leg)
DetailsHome Workout For Time: 50-40-30-20-10 HandRelease Push-Ups Glute Briges Sit-Ups
DetailsCore Strength 4 Giant Sets: 15 Front Plank to Pushup Planks – Video 30 Sn:Left Elbow Plank 30 Sn:Right Elbow Plank 15 Hollow Rocks 30 Sn:Left Elbow Plank 30 Sn:Right Elbow Plank 15 V-Ups Rest 1:30 between sets. -Then- 4 Round 30 Sn:Rıght Leg Wall-Sit Hold 30 Sn:Left Leg Wall-Sit Hold 30 Sn:Rest
DetailsHOME WORKOUT Every 5:30 Min For 27:30 Min(5R) 1.Min:Wall Squat Hold 20 Steps Alternate Front Lunges(R1-L2) 1 Min:Push-Ups Hold 30 Shoulder Taps(R1-L2)